6 Step Guide to Set Up a Paid Search Account Structure

Have you been assigned with the task to set up the company’s Ad Word’s Account? You must be thinking this is going to be tough, all the math and figures and calculations and number. Well, you do not have to be as feared as you just got. Setting up an AdWords account is not as hard as it seems to you. It is true to some extent that Ad Words interface is hard to understand and creating a well structure account can be a tricky task, but this step by step detailed guide is going by MyAdvMedia, is going to change the whole perception right in front of your eyes.

Importance of Account Structure:

In this section we are going to focus on the points that show us the importance of the account structure. Let’s just start with the meaning of the phrase account structure and its importance. Structure of an account actually is a future planning of controlling and it maintaining it. It is also important to trigger the ads and their maintenance regularly. Key factors stating its importance can be shown as following,

  • To make sure that triggered ads are relevant to the searches made by the audience.
  • Get a better quality score by Google. Better an account is structured at its initial stage more are the chances for you to have a better quality score by Google. Quality score is basically the certification of your betterment and improvement; it helps you a lot in your progression.
  • A well structured account is organized and completely compatible with optimization at its fullest. If your account is not as organized as it should be, you are more likely to be in a complete mess and getting lost in that mess would be the worst nightmare.


6 important components of Account Structure:

We are breaking it down to you in 6 sections, as there are 6 basic components for the account structuring. Each component has its own importance and a role to play in making of a successful account.


A campaign is basically a component of an account. One account may have more than one or many campaigns being run through it. Every campaign would have its own keywords that would tie with the text to lead the visitor over the landing page. Setting up your campaigns would be the first thing for an account structure.

Ad Groups:

The second component is making up an ad group. Each campaign is made up of ad groups. That can vary on the basis of keywords and texts. The number of ad groups under a campaign has no limit however 10-15 ad groups under one campaign are enough to structure and balanced account and it is already told that not overload the campaign with a number of ad groups in it as it becomes harder to organize the campaign of such nature.   


Every ad group is made up of keywords that are essential for any ad to show up as the query is searched over the search engine. Every keyword has a maximum CPC, match type and Quality Score basis of determination to show the relevant ad when the queries are searched.

Negative Keywords:

This component is largely underestimated of its total potential by the ad managers and advertisers. Negative Keywords are actually something totally irrelevant to the nature of the ad however they are optimized in order to show and bring in the traffic. The negative keywords technique is wildly used by the advertisers who want to draw maximum traffic to their landing page.

Ad Text:

Ad Text is another basic and very important content of any ad that is put up in AdWords. The Ad Text is basically the description and other content in regard to the ad, each ad group normally has 2-3 ad groups directing the traffic to the same landing page. You can improvise your landing page and ads through better ad text.

Landing Page:

Last and most important piece of the whole puzzle, after someone has come into the ad clicks on it. The ad directs that person to the landing page and that is the time for the users to convert that one click into a success. You need to design an amazingly featured and psychologically tested landing page that gives you with the best and required results. The real soul of whole campaign is to optimize the landing page in such a manner that the message is delivered in the perfect way.

Now we are done with the introduction to an AdWord account and we are going to go ahead to see the details about setting an account up and get it running. The process of setting up an account it pretty easy, however it can be a bit tricky at some certain stages for which you would need MyAdvMedia’s assistance.


Now when you are all clear about the usage of account you must be thinking where to start from. What can be a start better than a planned brain storming session about how to structure an account?, you can start with the basics and go up to the details. We have put up a detailed list as follows.

  • Base on the structure of your Website:
    A good account can be based on the structure of the website it would be doing the ad marketing for. If you have an experience of structuring a website for your business that brought you some positive results, you can structure your AdWrods account in a similar manner.
  • By Product/Services Offered:
    If your account it more likely to be promoting some certain product or services you should structure your AdWords account around its specifications too. For an instance let’s say you are a producer and dealer for Tennis Equipment and your products range includes, bags, rackets, balls, clothing etc. now in accordance to that you can make some different Ad Groups that would feature your products each. After a while of analysis you would see some of the ad campaigns are getting a better response as compared to the other. Now you can decide which of the ad group needs more attention and investment and you can carry out an ordinal analysis over them all.
  • Location Based Structuring:


Another way to set up and structure your account can be on the basis of location that is being dealt with in the marketing campaign. For an instance if you are law firm that operates only in the city of New York however has multiple locations you can set up different ad groups in order to structure them in accordance with the locations but bound them in a single city. Similarly a large firm that deals with development courses that has a target market ranging from London to Tokyo. You can set up a location based ad campaign. Our suggestion would be to actually map it out on an actual map to make sure your limitations as well as work structure.

Now we have come down to the second step of setting up an account and making it run properly. You have up till now structured your account, made it clear to yourself what you would be planning and working on and got you account up and mage the ad groups. Now we are coming down to the next step to fill those ad groups with some glorious keywords. But right now we need to know where to find those keywords to put in. well, it is simple, do your research. Research over keywords is an essential and most important step towards managing an AdWord marketing campaign. We are now going to discuss some basics of researching and choosing the right keywords for the campaign.

You should look for keywords that are relevant to your campaign and ensure that you are choosing the keywords with least competition as it would be easier for you start with such keywords and then move along to more competitive keywords in your domain.

Get your keywords organized as it is a very important part. Most often the method that is used is enlisting the keywords in Excel sheet. You can get it done with keyword planner services by Google, through MyAdvMedia’ keyword assistance. One suggestion that we shall ad here is that you should start one campaign with a number of keywords no more than 10-20 at maximum. Once you are done with defining the keywords for yourself, you can now officially start over with your campaign.


We have spent time mapping the strategy and building up and organizing our keywords. We are completely prepared to launch the first campaign now. As you would be running more than one campaign so start with one that has the highest priority to you. To take the initial start reviews your campaign settings. This part is pretty easily understandable.  However there is still a chance of mistake even in this part so it is advised to fill all the credentials very carefully and especially the ones ebing discussed in the following list.

  • Type:

The default setting puts the type on Search Network with Display Select that is actually not so bad to start with however this options works well only for the advertisers who work on larger reach and do not bother to be displayed outside the Google as well.

As we normally try to keep the display and search separately we prefer choosing Search Network only.

  • Bidding Strategy:


Although Google has an in built keyword running strategy to provide you with appropriate keywords, we would recommend you to manually run your bids to find the right match for your keywords. So while setting up an account you would have to change the pre opted option to manual biding.

  • Default Bidding and Budget:

Default bid is set up with the Maximum CPC and it would get tied to every keyword that you put up. However you would more likely want to set it up according to your choice in accordance with the budget that you have designated to it. This can be handy in later calculations that you might have to make in accordance to the budget.

MyAdvMedia would be pleased to provide any assistance in this regard to anyone who wants the keyword setting up and bidding information.

We have made a quick progress and now we are on the 4th step of our 6 step guide to set up the AdWrods account. The next step is as simple as the previous ones. With maximum explanation we would try give you the most information on this as possible.

The most important thing in getting an ad campaign up and running is the ad itself. As we have seen earlier that ads are related to the keywords. So under your campaign tab in your AdWords account you would come across a tab stating, “Ad Groups” and a red Tab in it with, +Ad Group button. Clicking on these tabs would basically start the process of creating ads on ad groups. However there are some certain limitations in this regard that are discussed in detail as below.

  • Character Limit:

Google has a certain limit for the characters that are to be added in the ad, Google notifies whenever the character limit is being breached. Recent regulation allows the users to 30 Character heading and 80 character description, and the rest is a Display URL that actually does nothing and it is shown just to show off and make it look more real.

  • Relevance:

Your ad text should be reflective of the keywords and lading page, for an instance if you are using different keywords to attract someone at an entirely different scenario at the landing page, it would certainly not be done under the Google’s limitations.

  • Best Practices:

However the list of best practices may go too long, but we are not going into it. We would be able to discuss some of the practices that are going to be feasible for the users. If you can ad some special offer or discount with some specific number, you can get more attention from your targeted audience. Similarly adding spaces are the right times and using the description lines separated from each other can help you attain more and better attention from the visitors.

  • Ad Approval Guidelines by Google:

Google has stated an ad approval guideline that states all the ups and downs that may occur in order to attain a complete approval from Google to publish you ad, reading all the guidelines can be very useful for you top design an Ad Text and Landing page. Apart from the approval guidelines there are also given common mistakes that marketers make and get their ads disapproved.  Do make sure that you read that too.

  • Relevant Landing Page Directions:

Worst thing that can happen to a visitor is landing on an irrelevant landing page. This just ruins the whole image of the ad and eventually the whole campaign. Make sure whoever clicks on your ad ends up being in the relevant landing page for which he clicked the ad for. Having all the campaigns up and running it may get a bit confusing to infuse right page with right ad but it can be done easily through proper organized management.

While being in the account you would see a white screen having a tab that says “Keywords”, this is the place where all the magic has to happen. Make sure you put in just the right ingredients. As we have already discussed in detail how you should carry out a proper research to get the right keywords, now all you have to do is to enlist them in the provided area.

Do not add more than 10-20 keywords per ad group at the most. You can use punctuation methods to specify each keyword from the other one. There are some certain codes that you need to follow. Using inverted comas mean the whole phrase lies within the keyword. Big brackets [ ] indicate an exact match. This is how more than once keywords can be added in to make a whole phrase to work as a keyword. Once the keywords have been added you can use the +Keywords button on the screen to finalize it.   

When you are finished with the whole process you can press the big blue buttong stating Save and continue to billing.

This is it. Your first ad campaign is now up and running however you must be wondering what the 6th step would be, and then let’s see what it is about.

Now when we have seen all the features and obstacles that were in the way of making up a campaign and set it run we have now reached the point where we can make an analysis of our performance and check or alter our ads in accordance to make the campaign more affective and useful. You can add more ads in the ad group and utilize it at its fullest.

For this you would have to go to your campaign and ads, where you would find a red tab stating +AD, you can select this button to add more ads in the same ad groups.  Once the ad is been added you would go to the navigate option, and see the delivery method tab at the right this specifies how you need your ads to be delivered in standard delivery without spending too much of the budget.



Now when we are into it, and then let’s just discuss this out too. The setting of Ad Delivery option deals with the rotation of your ads, our suggestion is to let them rotate indefinitely so you have an even ground to compare their performances and make an analysis about it.



If you think you are done here, well, sorry to break the bubble for you but this was just the first step towards a huge leap of success that is promised to you through managing the campaign in right manner. The show has just started and you have a lot to reap from it.